
Selasa, 06 November 2012

Photoshop CS 6 Golden Spiral Cropping Tool

There are some new features in the cropping tool in Photoshop.  Photoshop had the nice "Rule of Thirds" grid for cropping in the last version that was really handy. A new addition is the Golden Spiral Cropping tool.
The Golden Spiral grid is designed to lead the eye to the center of an object or area in a photograph. Let's take a look at how it works.
In this photograph I want to draw the eye to the hat.
In the View drop down box I selected the new "Golden Spiral" grid. As I adjusted the size of the crop I moved the center of the spiral to the center of the hat.  (The spiral grid is a light gray so I've enhanced the line so you can see it easier.)
You can see my bounding box for my crop.
By the way, you now move the picture to adjust the crop and it takes a little getting used to.
I cropped out the part of the picture I wanted making sure the spiral focused on the hat. Below is my results. A new photograph that really draws the eye right to the hat on the bale.

Pretty neat Photoshop!

I was recently asked how to rotate the spiral crop. Here's how to do that.
Simply right click after making a rough selection. You'll then have a menu option to rotate the crop.
Leona's photographs

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