
Jumat, 27 Januari 2012

Photoshop Beginners Eyeball Tutorial



Step 1:
 Create a new document 2000 px by 2000 px resolution 72 and background colour white.

Step 2:
 Make sure you have Black and White selected as you Background and Foreground.
 Go to filter/Render/Difference Clouds and do this a few times.

Step 3:
  Go to Filter/Distort/Pinch ,set this to 100% and do this twice.

Step 4:
  Select the Elliptical Marquee Tool holding own the Shift and Alt keys draw a circle from the centre outwards stop as you reach the edges, the go to Select/Inverse and then hit Delete on your keyboard.

Step 5:
    With the Image selected create a new Layer and fill it with black.

    Then with the Black circle selected go to Select/Modiy/Contract 100 px and then Select/Modify/Feather 50 px then hit delete then go to Layer/Merge Down.

Step 6:
     Create a New Layer above this one hold down Control and click on the Image below in the Layers Panel so that the circle is selected, with the New Layer highlighted in blue go to Edit and fill with this colour selected 06c2f8.Set the Blending Mode on this Layer to Overlay.

Step 7:
      Create another new Layer, select the Elliptical Marquee Tool holding down the Shift and Alt keys draw a smaller circle from the centre outwards Fill this with Black, then with the new Layer  highlighted in blueSelect your original circle by pressing Control and clicking on it in the Layers Panel, then go to Layer/Align Layer to Selection and Align the Verticle And Horizontal Centers. Also go to Filter/Blur/Gaussian Blur and blur by 6 px. 

Step 8:
   Open up a New Layer abover the blue circle select the Elliptical Marquee Tool holding own the Shift and Alt keys draw a circle from the center outwards making it bigger than the pupil and fill it with this colour 95a31a , you may Align this as you did with the pupil.

   Go to Filter/Blur/Gaussian Blur 180 px.

 Step 9:
    Create another New Layer above the last one draw another circle smaller than the last but bigger than the pupil and fill it with this colour cbd93a go to filter/Blur/Gaussian Blur 60 px and drop the opacity to 70%.


Step 9:
   Select the original Difference Clouds Layer at the bottom, hold Control and click on the pupil Layer, go to Select/Inverse then click on the Quick Mask Tool at the bottom of the Tool Panel and paint over some of the Iris like below,you need the Brush Tool selected with a soft Brush about 55 px.

Deselect the Quick Mask Tool and go to Select/Inverse and the holding down Control press J to copy this selection to a New Layer, drag this layer underneath the pupil.Drop the Opacity to 47 %

 Then click on the Fx Layer Styles button at the bottom of the Layers Panel and add the following Gradient Overlay.

 Step 10:
   You may want to experiment with the highlight a bit or even try multiple highlights this is a very simple one open a New Layer over the others, draw out a circle with the Elliptical Marquee Tool with a 30 px Feather.

     Then go to Filter/Blur/Gaussian blur 60 px.

Step 11:
    We are going to resize the Image and then the Canvas so go to Image/Image Size and drop the size to 500 px making sure Constrain Proportions is ticked.

 Then go to Image/Canvas Size and change the Height and Width to 1500 px.

 Step 11:
    Create a New Layer this need to be dragged underneath all the others  Making sure that Feather is back at 0 select the Elliptical Marquee Tool for our last circle draw out from the center again on the  New Layer , this circle needs to be twice the size of the Iris fill this with white and add the following Layer Style the way you did in Step 9.


      You may want to add a New Layer and paint in some arteries and add your own Background ..Please comment on this Tutorial if you have enjoyed it ..

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