
Jumat, 24 Januari 2014

New features in Photoshop

Want an easy way to quickly see what new features have been added to Photoshop?
I've just installed Photoshop CC and the jury is still out on this new "rental" agreement with Adobe as far as my opinion is concerned.
But I wanted to share with you how you can quickly see new features in the new Photshop CC. Now with the promise of automatic updates,  I'm not sure how this feature will work when the software does the updates automatically.
However, here is a way to see the the changes from CS 6 vs. CC for now.
Go to "Windows" and select "Workspace".
Here you will find a "What's New" option.  Select this for now.
What happens is that Photoshop will highlight in blue any areas that have a change or have been added. You can quickly go from any dropdown menu and easily see if something has changed.
While there are no instructions on what has changed you can get into these areas and play around to see what is different.
For more detailed information about the changes you'll want to go directly to Adobe's site to see what all has changed.

Later, after checking the new features out you'll probably want to turn this off by going back into Windows, Workspace and selecting "Essentials (Default).

Jumat, 17 Januari 2014

New in Photoshop CC - Image Size improvement

Lets take a look at one of the changes in the new Photoshop CC with "Image Size".
It's never a good idea to upsize an image. When you upsize an image information has to be created that doesn't exist in order to make the image bigger.
It's always best to rescan or reshoot the image at a higher resolution to get all the data you need.
However, sometimes that isn't possible and you need to upsize the image.
The resize dialog box has changed a bit. For example, the constrain porpotions needed to keep the image from being distorted is now just a chain link between width and height.
Also, I get a preview of my image allowing me to see changes in quaility as I resize. This is helpful to see any artifacts and other uglies I'll be getting as I upsize before I hit the OK button instead of  having to go back and undo the upsizing. So, it's easier to decide how much upsizing can be done.
The best part of the new "Image Size" is the way Photoshop CC now does an intelligent job of upsizing!
Now, Photoshop is smart enough to make better calculations of adding additional pixels and keeping some of the details in tack.
Take a look at the example I did of my old barn when I upsized the image with both Photoshop CS 6 on the right and Photoshop CC on the left.
With Photoshop CC, I'm seeing a lot more details especially in the tree area and shadow detail on the barn.
It's looking like a little more effort has gone into the "Image Size" tool to get noticeably better results and the Preview window let's me know how far I can push the resize before the image is beyond acceptable.
So, it's still not a good idea to upsize an image. But, if it has to be done you can feel a little more comfortable letting Photoshop CC give it a shot.