
Senin, 24 November 2008

Free Wi-Fi Hotspots

Free Wi-Fi Hotspots

Free Wi-Fi hotspots are really handy when you’re on the move. Finding them can be a challenge at times.
Here are a couple of sites to help you out.

Wi-Fi-Freespot is one of the largest directories of free hotspots including hotels, campgrounds, restaurants and more.

lets you search up to 136 countries for Wi-Fi locations. It includes both free and Paid Wi-Fi connections.
You simply click on the country you want and zoom in to the area you want to search. In the example below, you can see Free (green) and Paid (blue) Wi-Fi locations in the Lincoln area.

Jumat, 07 November 2008

Free Fonts

Fun and FREE Fonts
I've never been happier when Photoshop finally decided to give us a preview of the font before you selected it in version CS2.
Even though there are dozens of fonts to choose from, sometimes I don't find the font I want. For example, I needed a 60's hippie themed font and had to go searching online for a font to fit the purpose. This is an example of the font I used and another font I liked and installed.
Here is a couple of links to FREE fonts that you can download and use when you want to be creative and have something different than the normal boring fonts.
A search online for "free fonts" will give you days of pages to browse through. I'm including a couple of sites that I found worthy to share.

Not sure how to install a new font?
Below is a video on how to install a new font on your computer.

Selasa, 04 November 2008

FREE online TV

Miss your favorite TV program? It might be online.

For those evenings when there is nothing on that I want to watch, I hook up my laptop to my television and watch the shows I want.

If you’d like to see if your favorite shows are available online, check out the following sites that offer free TV shows and documentaries.