
Kamis, 25 September 2008

What's new in Photoshop CS4?

I had the privilege to watch Adobe’s Cs4 launch broadcast and have been gathering bits and pieces from elsewhere to see what new goodies have been added to Photoshop in CS4. Beta versions of some of Adobe’s other products like Dreamweaver CS4 have been available for download but Photoshop, everyone’s favorite, has been kept under wraps. Here are a few of Photoshop’s latest features, that I’ve been able to find out about in CS4, that I find noteworthy.

There’s been a lot of work done to improve performance when working with very large images. Adobe demonstrated this on their broadcast by working with a 400 MB file and editing it in real time. Most of the images I work with are used for computer display or Internet but if you were working on a high resolution photo for print. I can see how this would be a great time saver of not having to wait on redrawing.

A new feature called Content Aware Scaling allows you to resize large images by contracting redundant background pixels without distorting important parts of the image. Here is an example of that feature. Note that there is little if any distortion to the boats in the photo while background redundancy is compressed.

It’s kind of neat, but I don’t see a lot of use for it myself except when working with panoramas perhaps.

I do like the new tabbed image management interface. All open images appear as tabs allowing you to easily navigate through open images. If you have too many images open to view all the tabs you’ll see a double arrow as shown on the right in this image.

These tabs can be reordered or drug out of the tabbed group to be later returned to the group. This new feature also includes a window layout that allows you to easily compare opened images side by side.

I’m anxious to get my hands on the latest version. When I do, I’ll be sharing these additional new features with you.

Selasa, 16 September 2008

What is Bitmap

What is Bitmap?
Most images you see on your computer are composed of bitmaps. A bitmap (also known as raster images) is a map of dots/pixels, or bits (hence the name), that looks like a picture as long you are sitting a reasonable distance away from the screen. These tiny dots of individual color come together to create the image you see on your screen. Common bitmap filetypes include BMP (the raw bitmap format), JPEG, GIF, PICT, PCX, and TIFF. When you’re working in Photoshop you’ll usually be working on a bitmap image. Because bitmap images are made up of a bunch of dots, if you zoom in on a bitmap, it appears to be very blocky. Vector graphics (created in programs such as Freehand, Illustrator, or CorelDraw) can scale larger without getting blocky.
Take a look at this close up of an eye. You don’t notice the dots because they are usually very small.
I’ve found a beautiful example of how these dots working together make an image. This fun yet informative movie shows how to make a photograph using a paint ball gun on a motorized robot!

Rabu, 10 September 2008

FREE software to see color information

Instant color data!
Have you ever tried to match the color of something you saw on your computer screen? It usually involves having to either do a screen capture or downloading the image and bringing into Photoshop to use the eye dropper to sample and see the color information. Not a simple thing to do.
I found and downloaded this great FREE program called "Instant Eyedropper" that allows you to get color information off your screen with a simple click of the mouse!
Download and install this software and you'll get a little icon in your system tray like below.

  1. Move the mouse over the icon in the system tray
  2. Press and hold the left mouse button and move the pointer to the pixel of whose color you want to identify.
  3. Release the mouse button.

Not only is the color information displayed on the screen, it's also copied into the computers clipboard so you just need to paste this information into your html, Photoshop or where ever you need it.

If that isn't cool enough, you can also specify the format you want the color information in. To download this software go to